Thursday, November 16, 2006

I've just added a wealth of photos the my photos site, from both this trip and the last one. It's too difficult right now to put captions on all of them (I already did a few) so you'll have to interpret them yourselves. It took me a solid three hours in front of an iMac at a coffee shop to do it, so you better enjoy. There's hundreds more where these came from.


Anonymous said...


tell nick that i miss him

take care of yourself gringo
love from france

Anonymous said...

noah, it seems as though you are having an amazing time over there in Thailand. i'm slightly jealous. please tell me you have been able to ride an elephant?


Anonymous said...

glad you survived your latest expedition into the wilds . . . i hope the "tarzan travel" was optional and safe!! Great photos of your journies . . . . keep them coming . . . . I'll be sure to show them to grandma @ thanksgiving!!