Monday, February 05, 2007

What with all my free time I've been having lately, I've been spending a lot of it on the computer, re-immersing myself in the old internet. Today I decided to do some research and dig up some good environmental websites and resources. I found a handful of good ones and posted them over on the side there. I haven't spent too much time with them yet, but they seem good, as far as I can tell. Either way, check them out. Grist is pretty solid in general. Orion has some good essays up: one about ecoterrorism ("Green Rage") and one about moving beyond cars ("Making Other Arrangements"). Both Tree Hugger and World Changing have a ton of news and information up about change actually taking place, and Tree Hugger in particular has some guides to "How to Go Green". The New York Times article is great, a good overview of the IPCC's (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- the most authoritative body on the subject in the world) recent report on global warming, which is basically conclusive proof that the world is getting hotter, humans are causing it, and it's going to seriously mess things up for centuries down the road. This report is basically the point at which we say "That's it, no more arguing. Period." The Driving Green site is pretty cool. It's a carbon credit system, one of many out there. Basically, you go on and enter information for either your car or a flight you're taking, and it calculates how much carbon will be released as a result. It uses this number to calculate a fee that you can pay, which they take and invest in projects (such as tree planting or farm technologies) that offset the carbon you're putting into the atmosphere. I tried it for my return flight home, and it came out to only $48. Not bad. The Ecological Footprint quiz is just something that's kind of cool if you're not too familiar with the concept. So there you go, have at it.


Anonymous said...

thanks...good stuff. we bought our new lightbulbs...not surprising they illuminate just fine!

having flown over siberia, i feel comfortable saying that western michigan bares a striking resemblence! brrrr.

love, mom

grace said...

Global warming? Yeah, well not in michigan! 2 SNOW DAYS IN A ROW!! I'm going for a third tomorrow!! global warming...haha...that's funny