Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I just posted a hand full of photographs from the trip. I planned on more, but then I realized how tired I am and the computer was going slow. So for now you'll have to deal with ten very random pictures, in no order of importance or chronology. But it's better than nothing, right? Also, that picture of Thai Grace doesn't do the comparison justice. [One of the girls at UHDP looked like Grace, my sister, when she was four]. I'll see if I can find one where it's more apparent. Look.


grace said...

Hey, that girl kinda does look like me! Besides the black hair and dark skin, we're twins! Haha, thanks, I've always wanted there to be 2 of me! Gotta run

Anonymous said...

remember when the wasp got stuck in your diaper at Nana's house?

Anonymous said...

The scary thing is, he does.